Recap and thought on my aboard programs

Sakhone the Learner
8 min readDec 27, 2019


First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sakhone from Laos. I am a boy who has many dreams. I have a dream that one day I can go aboard and do good things to my country; I have a dream that I wan to participate Social Entrepreneurship program; I have a dream that I want to visit animé town akihabara, Japan, and etc.

If you want to go aboard, learn from other countries or turn vision to do social projects for your local communities you can check out these aboard programs:

My aboard program

1. YSEALI Academic Fellowship

About program: a 5-week exchange program on academic topics.

Themes: Civic Engagement, Environment and Natural Resource Management, and Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.

Other Key Values: Leadership, and Project initiative.

Location: USA (host university is based on theme)

Type: fully funded

Amount of batch (cohort): 2 cohorts: Fall & Spring

  • Fall:

Application Duration: April-May

Program Duration: Sep-Oct

  • Spring:

Application Duration: Oct-Nov

Program Duration: Mar-April

Applicant age: College/University students or graduated students who are 18–25 years old.

Follow Link (based on U.S embassy in each country):

My experience: YSEALI Academic Fellowship Fall 2019 — Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED), Brown University, the United States.

Key learning: #Project #Initiative #YoungLeader

2. YSEALI Regional Workshop

About program: 3–5 workshop on critical issues in ASEAN region.

Theme: based on the interest of the host country such as Civic Engagement, Economic, Environment, Education, etc.

Type: fully funded

Location: based on the host country

Amount of programs in one year: 5–6 workshops/year.

Application Duration: all along the year.

Program Duration: all along the year.

Applicant eligibility: different criteria based on the programs but mainly are during 18–35 years old.


My experience: YSEALI Empowering South East Asian Educators 2019, Malaysia.

My sharing experience blog:

Key Learning: #Educators #ProjectBasedLearning #StudentCenteredLearning

3. LIMEC* ACADEMIC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (LIMAC) towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

About program: presented academic researches to NU professors, scholars, students, entrepreneurs, educators and related partners.

Theme: Economic & Sustainable Development

Type: Based on each year

Location: Naresuan University (NU), Phitsanulok, Thailand

Application Duration: June

Program Duration: August

Applicant eligibility: College/University students or researchers.

Follow Link:

*LIMEC = Luangprabang — Indochina — Mawlamyine Economic Corridor

Key Learning: #Research #SDGs #Logistics

4. ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting (AFMAM)

About program: role play as country leaders in Model ASEAN Simulation

Theme: based on ASEAN theme in each year

Sub-themes: based on main ASEAN theme and 3 ASEAN pillars — ASEAN Economic Community(AEC), ASEAN Political and Security Community (APSC) and ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (ASCC)

Type: fully funded

Location: based on the host of ASEAN chairman in each year

Application Duration: March-April

Program Duration: July

Applicant eligibility: 6 Team Members who are college/university students between 18–25 years old and 1 Team Advisor who are above 25 years old.


My experience: AFMAM 2018 at Singapore — Innovation and Resilience


Key learning: #Consensus #ASEANway

5. NIDA Summer Camp

About program: international exchange program at National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA).

Theme: different theme in each year but related to sustainable economic development.

Type: Annual & Partly funded (cover all except flight ticket and insurance)

Location: Bangkok & some provinces in Thailand

Application Duration: January

Program Duration: June

Applicant eligibility: College/University Students who are 18–23 years old.

Follow Link:

My experience: NIDA Summer Camp 2018 — Economic Development Vs. Sustainable Development


Key learning: #SufficiencyEconomyPhilosophy(SEP) #EconomicDevelopment #SustainableDevelopment

6. Mekong Business Challenge (MBC)

About program: Business plan competition

Theme: Social Venture

Type: Annual & fully funded

Location: Different host country in each year

Application Duration: September

Program Duration: March

Applicant eligibility: a team of 2–3 people who between 18–35 years old, and at least one member is college or university student.


My experience: Mekong Business Challenge 2018 at Bhutan


Key Learning: #BusinessModelCanvas #Pitching

7. JICA Business Plan Contest

About program: Business plan competition

Theme: Any kind of businesses

Type: Award is different in each year

Location: Business plan competition in country level will be held in Lao-Japan Institute (LJI)

In some years, there is a regional level competitions with other countries (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam)

In some years, there is a training program for entrepreneurs (3 contestants from each country) at Japan

Application Duration: June

Program Duration: July

Applicant eligibility: Not limited

Follow Link:

My experience: the winner of business plan competition at LJI, a contestant of regional business plan competition at Cambodia (Jul 2017) and then a training program at Japan (Jan 2018)


Ep 1:

Ep 2:

Key Learning: #BusinessPlan #Pitching #Training

8. Japanese-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students & Youths (JENESYS)

About program: people-to-people program between Japan-ASEAN on academics topics.

Theme: there are many batch and topics in each year such as peace building, mass media, environment and disaster, economics, and Japanese culture…

Type: Annual, fully funded, and many batches in each year.

Location: Japan

Application Duration: Depended on each batch (normally during October to April)

Program Duration: Depended on each batch (normally November to June)

Applicant age: high school & college/university students

Follow Link:

My experience: JENESYS 4th batch 2016 on theme: experiencing in Japanese culture.


Ep 1:

Ep 2:

Ep 3:

Key Learning: #Japanese #Culture #PeopleToPeople

9. Chulalongkorn University Youth Lingering and Enhancement of ASEAN Diversity (CU YLEAD)

About program: ASEAN exchange program during celebration ASEAN week at Chulalongkorn University

Theme: different theme in each year.

Sub-theme: different sub-theme based on main theme.

Type: Party funded (cover all except flight ticket)

Location: Bangkok & some provinces in Thailand

Application Duration: May

Program Duration: August

Applicant eligibility: College/University Students who are 18–23 years old.


My experience: CU YLEAD 2016 — Marine Conservation


Key learning: #ASEANweek #Sustainability #MarineConservation

10. ASEAN Impact Challenge (AIC)

About program: Business plan pitching competition

Theme: Social enterprises

Type: Annual & fully funded

Location: different host country in each year (Ex: Malaysia 2015, Singapore 2016, Philippines 2017...)

Application Duration: August

Program Duration: November

Applicant eligibility: 18-35 years old.


My experience: ASEAN Impact Challenge (AIC) 2015 at Malaysia


Key Learning: #EntrepreneurSummit #BusinessPlan #Pitching

A list of those 10 aboard programs that I participated. In each programs has different values, memories, and feelings. Besides I mentioned above, I also participated 2 self-funded programs at Cambodia and Singapore and also got another scholarship that cover tuition fee on my last year university. During my early experiences, I failed a lot but I keep learning by being volunteers in social events and starting from participated some self-funded or partly-funded programs since it has more chance to be selected.

Did you notice somethings?

I have been to 7 countries (5 of them I went 2-3 times) since I would focusing on the program or theme rather than the country, that's why some countries I have been to 3 times.

I have decided to apply scholarships because I am interested in, I have dream(s) or I want to do something(like a project) after coming back home. Most of programs I participated is related to business field that I’m really passionate in. Out of these conditions, I won’t apply and it’s better to give opportunities to others. So, it’s not true that I applied all programs haha.

Are you fail?

I am not a smart person, I just only gritty* person who has passion and perseverance. I was selected for JENESYS on 6th time. I have applied YSEALI 11 times in total (Academic Fellow 7 times and Regional Workshop for 4 times). Some programs I also applied many time but not selected, some programs I applied until ineligible to applied. Only few people apply the first time and was chosen.

“I haven’t failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” — Thomas Elva Edison

What I would like to say is that if you fails, try to fail forward, reflect yourself, learn from mistakes, and keep improving yourself. If you are not good enough to be selected, keep developing yourself in order to reach your goal.

Last few things to say

In a class, I was a nerd student who focuses on studying (even honored certificate is not really special for me). Outside of a class, I am a proactive young leader who often create and engage in many social projects. For going aboard, I can't really explain, in Laos we call "ກຳໄລຊີວິດ" which is like a gifts in your lifetime(or study time). Many scholarship hunters said that exchange program is their Life-changing experience because they get out of comfort zone and become better version of their life. It’s worthy to work hard and take a risk in whatever it takes.

“It’s not a trip, it’s a second life” — unknown

The small thing I can do is to write this blog to share you guys. Hope it help you and best of luck!

Sharing is caring❤

Ps: If there is any mistake, please do apologize for me🙏



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